-Liked them huh? Let me show you guys their power!! Said Sega tapping his hand together
The two dogs began moving and running at top speed. Entei use fire style: Fire blast and Suicune use Water style: Water surfing. The two technique collide with each other creating a rainbow been. Sasuke and Gama not knowing what to do began panicking. Gama uses his earth style: Rock wall blocking the jutsu. But the technique was too powerful and broke the wall easily. Suddenly the technique was broken with a large shake. Soon a giant rock has been throwing to the dogs where they easily dodge and returned to Sega. He instantly smile
-I see that you have recovered pretty fast huh State??
-Hehe couldn’t take it not doing anything. So I came watching you guys train. Aren’t you going a bit too fast attacking these new ambu. I mean come on with Entei and Suicune. It’s a bit too much for them.
-Don’t underestimate them. Anyway I’m going to teach Sasuke how to summon them. Said Sega smiling.
-Hey...why not me...Said Gama sadly.
State came and toke Gama by the shoulder. They began walking a bit further.
-Hey you don’t want to learn these lame summon do you? I have a better summon for you.
-Really!? Who and where is it? Said Gama looking everywhere
-Wait a sec.
With Sasuke and Sega
-So are you ready to learn to summon this one. Said Sega pointing at Entei.
-Yeah...but why not the other one too?
-You’re not a water type...but you can summon the Thunder God that I can’t.
-The thunder God? Hmm...Sound better to me.
-First you got to sign this scroll so you can summon them both. Said Sega showing a big scroll with only a few names.
Sasuke bits his finger and began writing his name. When he was finish the scroll closed and disappears.
-There one step finish. Second step is to summon them. Do you know how to summon something?
-yeah...usually hawk and snakes.
-Excellent it won’t be hard then for you. Just need to learn those Japanese letters so you can bring him and there you go...your own little pet.
-Let’s begin. Said Sasuke ready
At the hospital
-Your here to see Musica?? Ask Taka
-Yes please
-He was asking you anyway follow me now.
Taka drove the young ninja to Musica room.
-Tanks you nurse. She said before interring the room
She ran off and hugging Musica with all her force.
-Omg I missed you so much. She said crying on his shoulder.
-Take it easy Tenten...I’m all right... (He wasn’t his ribs was hurting him)
He washes off her tears off and hugs her at his turn and kisses her after that.
-When will you be out? She ask
-In a couple of days. Don’t worry I’ll be ok.
-I hope so. Look I made you some soup. You’re favourite. Said Tenten picking up a bowl of soup from her plastic bag
-Tanks a lot sweetheart. Said Musica opening his mouth and waiting till Tenten feed him up.
Back to the training. Sasuke was tired and sweating from everywhere. Suddenly they feel a large shake and look behind.
-He just wants to act tough huh. Was thinking Sega
A large monster large as a dinosaur was stating in front of them.
-That’s my pet. Groudon.
-Wow man...that’s way epic them those little dogs over there. Said Gama mouth wide open
-Yeah but more difficult to learn. You need hard training to summon something like this. Said State disappearing the beast.
-I’m ready to learn.
With Akatsuki
-Those were strong opponent.
-Yeah they even caught Master off guard.
-You fool.
They look behind
-You aren’t dead Pein-Sama?
-Off course not. Good thing I was fast enough or a really have been killed.
Itachi appears from behind too.
- And where were you young Uchiha?? How come you have been beated so easily? Ask Pein
-Hm...Wanting to test their strength for next time I will know what I’m against.
-Anyway. We need to make a plan. Those two have incredible powers. We need them. We need Sage mode and the kyuubi scrolls.
Back to the training. Sega and state were sitting under a tree drinking lemonade and Sasuke and Gama were still training. There were a lot of holes on the ground.
-Man...I can’t keep up. Was saying Gama
-Hm...I think I got it. Said Sasuke trying again to write the Japanese letters but this time he concentrate his Chidori power into him then breaking the floor yelling: SUMMONING JUTSU!!! A circle formed and stopped for a second before thunder shock come down from space. Huge smoke has formed. Clearing it another legendary dog appears. He was meaner and had a dangerous look on his face.
-I...I did it!! Was crying out Sasuke
Sega stand back on his feet applauding Sasuke for his effort.
-You finely summon the thunder God Raikou. But it’s not finish. You can’t control it without making a bond with him
-Yeah. You need to touch him and stay like that until he adopted you as his owner. That’s how it works man.
-Fine. Easy. Said Sasuke
He touches his fur and immediately receives a atomic electric shock.
-Man...What was that about?
-You need to keep touching him until he accepted you. He wants you to suffer for him like he will for you later on.
He touches Raikou fur again this time staying 5 second before flying away.
-This...this won’t be easy
With Gama
-Man...He already can summon Raikou. I need to make an effort to and show him that I can be strong too.
He tries one more time to summon Groudon but doesn’t work.
-Damnit...It isn’t working.
-Well well Gama...How do you want me to teach you others technique if you can’t summoning one simple legendary pet.
-Don’t you have something that can help me?
-Maybe one thing. Try writing those letters on your hand. Concentrate your chakra only on the palm of your hand then BOUM release all out on the floor. Got it?
-Yeah. I think I got it. Said Gama smiling
He writes the letters with rapidity and concentrates his chakra. Soon after he release it all at once. The letters drew on the floor and a thunder followed by a smoke appears.
-Did...did it work??
Second after Gama was send flying away. He opens his eyes and couldn’t believe that Groudon was in front of him.
-Yay got it man!! Tank you so much State. Now I need to touch him at my turn?
-No. If you want to get accepted you need to wash him with mud.
-Are you kidding me??
-Hehe no. Not at all. Give it a try.
-This sound bullshit...but all right.
Gama and Sasuke now training to be accepted by their new summoning pets. Will they succed?? When and what is Akatsuki next move?? Stay tune for chap 6
EPICNESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great chapter sasuke